Archives: Events

The Message Behind Social Media

Luigis Restaurant 15 Old Menangle Rd, Campbelltown, NSW, Australia

September 3, 2019

With all the noise online, does your social media encompass your sales strategy or are you just throwing mud against a wall to see what will stick?

Join Mia Van Tubbergh and Laurene McKenzie as they walk you through your sales message and provide you with strategies to Connect, Engage and Nurture your networks.


Lead to Train, Retain and Succeed

Luigis Restaurant 15 Old Menangle Rd, Campbelltown, NSW, Australia

October 1, 2019

In a world where everything is constantly changing, businesses need to respond quickly to succeed. When it comes to leadership – what used to work before, simply isn’t working now and certainly won’t work in the future.

Clare will share insights on how adapting your leadership style will get the right people, right teams and right outcomes for you and your business.


True Grit – Passion, Perseverance & Success

Luigis Restaurant 15 Old Menangle Rd, Campbelltown, NSW, Australia

November 5, 2019

What does it take to have true grit? How do successful business women combine passion and perseverance to achieve their goals? Come along and learn what true grit looks like in both career success and horse racing this Melbourne Cup day. We will look at what grit is, how you build it in yourself and others and why it makes a difference to career success. If you have ever wondered how to increase the proactiveness of yourself and your teams come along and join us.

Cocktail Series Event

Peca Restaurant 7 Gregory Hills Dr,, Gledswood Hills 4622 0812, NSW

December 13, 2019

Join us in celebrating our first Christmas together at Victress Connection and to reflect upon each other’s success throughout the year gone by!


The Power Of The Mind

February 4, 2020

Join Life Coach, Anne Vitocco, for an enlightening presentation and learn how to communicate more effectively to ensure successful and happy connections with the people in your life, professional and personal.
Anne helps others step outside their comfort zone, to be excited by the unknown, to recognise opportunity and reach their limitless potential to become the best they can possibly be.
We all have the potential to achieve great things in life; it all begins with how we think!


Overcoming Hurdles

Luigis Restaurant 15 Old Menangle Rd, Campbelltown, NSW, Australia

March 3, 2020

An inspirational journey of resilience and reinvention

Jana Pittman’s story is a roller coaster of triumph, defeat, failure and success. As an Olympian, mother, author, speaker and doctor, her story embraces the peaks and troughs that helped shape her career and build her into who she is today.

Financial Wealth

Luigis Restaurant 15 Old Menangle Rd, Campbelltown, NSW, Australia

April 7, 2020

Passionate about Women’s Wealth Strategies, Antoinette will help increase your financial literacy and, through that, empower you to greater economic heights.